(2) * RZ Abdul Aziz (Institut Informatika dan Bisnis Darmajaya, Indonesia)
(3) Muhammad Said Hasibuan (Institut Informatika dan Bisnis Darmajaya)
*corresponding author
AbstractUser reviews significantly impact how mobile apps are perceived and provide developers with valuable insights into improving the functionality and quality of their products. Sentiment analysis of these evaluations helps identify the main issues faced by consumers, such as technical difficulties, costs, and service levels. The main objective of this study is to classify user sentiment into positive and negative categories, focusing on the MyTelkomsel app. With the use of Google Play Scraper, 39,493 reviews on various app versions and user experiences were collected. This data was analyzed using multiple machine learning models, including Support Vector Machines (SVM), Naive Bayes, Random Forest, and Gradient Boosting, alongside the Natural Language Processing (NLP) approach. The results show that 39.2% of the reviews are positive, while 60.8% reflect negative sentiment. Among the models, SVM showed the highest accuracy in sentiment classification with a value of (0.854792), while Naive Bayes (0.775541), Random Forest (0.829725), and Gradient Boosting (0.819344) also performed well in sentiment classification. These findings suggest that developers can leverage the insights gained from this analysis to proactively improve the performance and user experience of the MyTelkomsel app, by addressing technical and service-related issues identified in user reviews. KeywordsSentiment Analysis, Mobile Applications, MyTelkomsel, Natural Language Processing (NLP).
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.29099/ijair.v8i2.1229 |
Article metrics10.29099/ijair.v8i2.1229 Abstract views : 255 | PDF views : 88 |
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